“Mom, my iPad is not charged and my assignment is due tomorrow morning 1stperiod.
How long do you think load shedding will be this evening?”
Does this scenario sound familiar?
Not only are we reliant on electricity but more so on technology at all ages. Even primary school going children are now forced to work on electronic devices.
Why should I be aware of Myopia?
Studies have showed that due to the increased time spent on near activities which include the usage of electronic devices, myopia or more commonly known as near-sightedness, is becoming more prevalent in school going children.
Near-sightedness is a condition where close objects are clear and distant objects are blurry. The causes of near-sightedness are numerous and it includes: genetically predisposition (near-sightedness in the family), environmental factors, some medication as well as systemic conditions.
Myopic children will have the ability to perform very well at school. These children love to read and are very resourceful when it comes to copying from the board. They either sit in the 1st row of the class room, copy from their friend next to them or they squint. Squinting is one of the most common signs that teachers can pick up and refer a child for an eye examination.
Symptoms include eyestrain that can lead to headaches and the obvious difficulty in seeing distant objects. Unfortunately near-sightedness is an eye condition that can go unnoticed and only be discovered later in life when the child complains about the above mentioned symptoms or discovered by chance during a routine eye examination.
Near-sightedness is a treatable condition and the earlier it is identified the better. If diagnosed at an early age, near-sightedness can be kept to a minimum and the progression can be slowed down with treatments and modern technology.
These treatments include: bifocal / multifocal spectacle lenses and contact lenses, orthokeratology, medicine, increased outdoor activities and nutritional changes.
Can parents and grandparents help us in this world wide epidemic?
YES! Definitely. Bring your children for their regular eye examination. We recommend the following:
- At the age of 6 months children reach critical developmental milestones. This in actual fact should be the first time that a child receives an eye test.
- At the age of 3 years receptive and expressive language skills are developed and an eye test can be performed more easily getting some input from the child.
- At the age of 6 years a complete eye test can be performed with minor adjustments.
- Early detection of eye diseases or conditions leads to earlier therapy and a better prognosis.
- 6 -24 month follow up intervals there after depending on the diagnosis and treatment.
We are passionate about children’s vision and for that reason we have decided to do a FREE eye examination for any scholar, when the parent or grandparent comes in for their routine comprehensive eye examination.
Contact us to schedule your appointment and remember to like us on Facebook for up to date news and events.
Moreleta Park (012) 998 7592/3
Lynnwood (012) 807 6027
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