Steam therapy provides dry eye relief

Scratchy, teary, light sensitive, red eyes have a severe impact on the quality of life of a person who suffers with severe dry eye syndrome.  

Our optometrists will first do a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause of your dry eyes. Treatment may include steam therapy to unblock oil glands, plugging the tear ducts with removable punctal plugs & using serum eye drops to provide relief. Read more about Dry Eye syndrome, dry eye prevention and treatment HERE


Contact lenses for every shape and form

With the use of cutting edge technology and custom made specially designed contact lenses and contact lens materials it is possible to even out the irregular surface effect and restore good quality vision. 

Orthokeratology:  (Ortho-K) corrects the cornea (front surface of the eye).  It is a non-surgical, reversible procedure in which specially designed contact lens devices are used to reshape the front surface of the cornea of the eye gently and gradually.  The Ortho-K lens devices are only worn during sleeping hours. On waking, the lenses are removed. The reshaped corneal surface allows clear and natural vision for the rest of the waking day without the need for prescription glasses or contact lenses.

Scleral lenses:  They are called scleral lenses because, instead of covering only a portion of the cornea these large lenses vault over the entire corneal surface and rest on the “white” of the eye (the sclera). Because of their size, scleral lenses are more stable on the eye than conventional lenses — so they are less likely to accidentally dislodge from the eye. This stability also can make them more comfortable than conventional lenses; scleral lenses provide initial comfort similar to soft lenses, especially for sensitive eyes, dry eye sufferers or irregularly shaped corneas due to keratoconus or surgery. Read more about contact lenses HERE


Devices to aid patients with low vision

Loss of vision has many causes and has a significant impact on our quality of life, social interaction, driving and daily living activities. Conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes damage to the eye and genetic conditions can damage the central and peripheral vision.

When the loss of vision can no longer be improved by spectacles or contact lenses, our optoms will assist with magnifying devices and lifestyle changes to help you get along better. Read more about Low Vision and Low Vision assistance HERE


The health of your brain can influence your vision

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is an individualized treatment regimen for patients with visual deficits as a direct result of physical disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and other neurological insults.

There are often visual problems which occur after a head injury or cerebrovascular accident that can interfere with balance, movement, coordination, attention, concentration, and reading ability. Frequently, persons who have had a traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident or other neurological problems will experience double or blurred vision, blind spots, dizziness (vertigo), movement of the floor and/or other stationary objects, and in some cases even hallucinations.

Click HERE to read more.

Our Neuro-Optometrists will create a customized visual rehabilitation plan that is designed to achieve the best possible results through the utilization of various vision technologies, therapies, and exercises.  Visit www.eyemind.co.za to find out more.


Kids eyecare from ages 9 months to 12 years

During early childhood the visual system is in a growth phase where good quality vision in both eyes is critical to ensure the optic nerves develop to their full potential.

Children often assume their vision is just like everyone else’s, which means that vision problems can easily go undetected. In fact, a staggering 1 in 5 kids have an undetected vision problem that can interfere with their ability to learn and absorb information.

Look out for the symptoms:

• Noticeable tilting or turning their head
• Frequently blinking or rubbing eyes
• Red or watery eyes
• Difficulty reading or holding a book very close
• Headaches and blurred or double vision
• Squinting
• One eye turning in or out

Disease and genetic abnormality can cause conditions such as squint and lazy eyes requiring special care, correction and treatment. Examining and correcting children’s vision is a scientific art and requires exceptional skill and care.  We are passionate about the protection of child vision development. Click HERE to read more


Tailor made exercises for the visual system

Vision therapy programs are designed to correct complications like astigmatism, wandering eyes, lazy eye or crossed eyes – all of which can affect eye focus, eye movement, visual perception and coordination. With visual therapy, a combination of vision exercises and specialized equipment are used to train the visual system to repair itself, or strengthen itself, so that eye problems can be rectified or diminished enough to improve how the patient views the world and functions in it.

Click HERE to read more.


Your family’s vision is our priority

At De Jongh Optometry, we are dedicated to taking the very best care of your entire family. We offer eye care services to suit the very young to the young at heart. It’s this trusted and reliable service that has meant we’ve been serving our patients since 1991. Click HERE to read more


Spectacle adjustment and cleaning

Bring your spectacles to the practice every six months and we will clean your lenses in our ultrasonic cleaner.

Any adjustments needed? Bring your spectacles and one of our optometrists will fit your spectacles for you.

In the case of a lost nose pad or temple screw, we will replace them free of charge. Read more HERE


Avoid the stress

We offer a free driver’s licence screening and provide you with the certificate necessary to obtain your licence. Ten minute appointment is necessary to ensure that we have an optometrist available to do your screening. Click HERE to read more.